Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you can find the most frequently asked questions about our services.

If you still have further questions or you can not find what you are looking for, please contact us directly via email at or call us at 424-347-0362. Please kindly have your license number and email address ready to confirm your account.

30-Day Money-Back Policy Guarantee
We are committed to providing quality continuing education training for our users. If you feel dissatisfied with our services, please contact us at to request a refund. Additional feedback on how we could improve our services will be appreciated. Note that a refund can only be issued if the following criteria are met;

Credit Card Submission Security.
We are still updating this section. Please check back anytime.

Will I get credit for individual courses completed through Platinum Learning?

Yes. At Platinum Learning, we understand that users might be interested in completing individual courses. Users have the choice to purchase individual courses. We provide transcripts and certificates of completion for individual courses at completion.

Is Platinum Learning licensed to provide CEUs for nurses?

Yes. Platinum Learning is a licensed provider of continuing education training for nurses in the State of California.

Please follow the link to verify your license with the State of California:

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